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Ahmadinejad: Any country who joins the US against Iran is our enemy

Posted by Zand-Bon on Jul 25th, 2010 and filed under News, PLANET IRAN NEWS FOCUS, Photos, Video, video gallery. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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Compiled and translated by Iran Press News/Planet Iran

July 25, 2010

Fars News, the media arm of the Revolutionary Guard reports: On Sunday, Ahmadinejad spoke at the 5th National Chief Executives Fair where he announced: “Any country who participates in the American scenario against Iran’s rule will be considered an enemy and will be met with a strong response.  They (the U.S.) attack Middle Eastern countries, pointing their arrows at us, claiming that Iran wants to build bombs; all this so that they can force Iran to stop or retreat but they should know that they are mistaken. We are not interested in fighting and confrontation and we are not welcoming any sanctions either; we are interested in friendship and logic but they better understand that their tantrums will have no other result but to discredit themselves. Anyone who takes action against Iran, doing things like inspecting our ships, will face Iran’s immediate retaliation and experience has shown that Iranian retaliation has had regretful consequences for them. They also claim that they’re going to put sanctions on the importation of (refined) oil. I dream of them imposing that sanction…they can go right ahead and do it. Within two days, we will have 17 million liters to replace it. We’ve covered all our bases and everything is ready to be set in motion. It’s ultimately up to us. They can put sanctions on whatever they want…within no time, our own experts will come up with a better replacements.”

In addition, the Iranian regime-run TV & Radio also reported Ahmadinejad as saying: “If anyone wants to lift a hand of aggression toward Iran, we will chop their arms off. It is clear what Westerners are afraid of. They have all wound themselves up and imagine that with their propaganda and psychological war they can get Iranians to back off. In the past Iranians did not have to send troops; we were able to conquer countries with our mindset and culture, removing corrupt power-mongers. In confronting the U.S. we do not need to go to war. Iranian policy, and Iranian culture will pull them down but they don’t have the guts to admit to any such thing and continue to lie and cover up. The current battle is based on logic, culture and management of the world and we will not allow you (the U.S.) to filch from countries around the world. They know that if our culture flourishes, that their continued thieving will have to stop, leaving no room for their modernism. They think that they will glean results from their propaganda. That is why they have coalesced and coordinated with Russian and European media. They have also connected with some people inside Iran, which is something whose dimensions I will discuss at a later date. Thank God that their scenario was leaked and all the information was put at our disposal. If you pathetic westerners were in fact telling the truth,  how come you’re so afraid of an Iranian bomb? And all the while, you yourselves have bombs. You are all liars, deceivers and cowards. The bottom line is that they fear the awakening of the Iranian soul and the fact that we are so powerful that they feel they must stand in our way. They simply are too jealous to allow us to progress.”

On Friday too, Ahmadinajed addressed another group claiming: “A new plan for psychological war has been set in place and they have diabolically managed to coordinate with some people inside Iran. All this in order to create, according to themselves of course, a heavy atmosphere around the world, against us. They want to put pressure on us, escalate the pressure and then they attack two Middle Eastern countries which we consider friends, and then with the aid of these despicable Zionists they want to find some angle where they can get Iran to stop or show some kind of weakness in order to submit and surrender. But what Mr. Medvedev, the President of Russia said in a meeting with their ambassadors, was that Iran is going toward building a bomb. Of course the Russia is a grand nation, we are friends and wish to see that friendship continue between our two countries. But know this: that what he (Medvedev) said is in fact nothing more than the publicizing of a scenario that the U.S. wants to carry out against us, and yet it was set in motion (for the U.S.) by the President of Russia. America and all the degenerates around the world want to gather in order to pull all their might together, publicize and get their mouths running, all because they want to make Iran retreat…well, they can take that dream to the grave with them. Iran, through it’s will and it’s uniqueness will destroy hundreds of these scenarios.”

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