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‘This Is The Islamic Republic’

Posted by Zand-Bon on Oct 21st, 2010 and filed under Rotating Photos, Sections, Women & Minors. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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October 20, 2010

Blogger “” writes about a young boy he saw in central Tehran who was forced to work to help his family make ends meet:

Today I went to the Revolution Square to buy books, and there I saw a heartrending scene. An was making some money with a scale he had while at the same time . He was also selling a few toys.

Of course, there are many such scenes in our Islamic country, a country that is Islamic only in name and there is no sign of Islam in it.

I asked the boy what his father was doing. He said he sells vegetables at Emamzadeh Hassan [a bazaar in southern Tehran], and he said he’s forced to work to help with the expenses. I gave him a 1,000-tuman [about $10] bill to try to make him happy and also make a contribution even though small.

4 Responses for “‘This Is The Islamic Republic’”

  1. says:

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Dru and Azadi, Azadi. Azadi said: This Is The Islamic Republic’ https://planet-iran.com/index.php/news/26028 #iranelection [...]

  2. says:

    awful… makes me so freaking sad… tell me why I shouldn’t want some JDAMs on the mullahs’ heads now.

    ???? ?? ???

  3. democracy for all says:

    What a shame that the nation that gave the world Persian civilization has fallen to this sorry state. I wonder if the people of Iran are even allowed to know anything about their ancient Persian ancestors.

  4. Zand-Bon says:

    Democracy for All, Iranians are not only EXTREMELY aware of their ancient identity, they live, breathe and abide by it still. We are still and ALWAYS will be the children of Cyrus. Do not forget that we have extremely long memories…more so than a 4 year presidential cycle…our memories date back to centuries, if not millenia. I cannot say the same however for many many westerners who not only have no knowledge of their background, worse, they are disinterested.

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