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Mohammad Reza Madhi Talks With Rooz : Supreme Leader’s Inner Circle

Posted by Zand-Bon on Jan 18th, 2010 and filed under News, PLANET IRAN NEWS FOCUS, Photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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January 16, 2010


Based on documents that confirm that Mohammad Reza Madhi held a 12-year position of responsibility in a committee at the powerful Majlis Khobregan (Assembly of Experts on Leadership) and that he was a member in the intelligence division of the Islamic Passdaran Revolutionary Guards Corps, one cannot ignore the revelations that he makes about what is going on behind the scenes in the Islamic Republic. Here are the excerpts of an interview we had with him.

Rooz: A conservative lawmaker in the Majlis, Mr. Ali Motahari once said in an interview that the recent controversies and murders would not have taken place had Mr. Hossein Taeb not been the official person in charge of managing the post-election crisis.  What is do you think?

Mohammad Reza Madhi (Madhi):  When people such as Mr. Taeb are in charge of any situation the results couldn’t be any better.  When Taeb worked at the intelligence ministry, the-then minister Mr. Fallahian fired him and ordered that he be never allowed to return to the ministry. But he returned to the IRGC.  For a while he was at the seminary too.  But basically, he had not place to go.

Rooz: What was your position at that time?

Madhi: I was officially in charge of the case/dossiser that is commonly known as the chain murders case from April of 1379 through August of 1383, but unfortunately the internal settling of scores, which hurt people who also paid a price for this prevented real work in that area.

Rooz:  According to your own statements you served in an official capacity through February 1386.  In that same year, you left Iran.  From what sources do you obtain your current information?

Madhi: I am still in contacts with Iran.  I am not someone who once had some information and who is now out of touch. We receive information from various channels.

Rooz: Who are these people?

Madhi: These are people inside the regime who care about the regime and serve in intelligence, security or judicial posts.  There are even clerics who trust me and believe in the ideals of the revolution and the Imam – against which they carried out a velvet coup but accused people of doing that. They help me in understanding what is going on.

Rooz: What issues do they discuss with you, for example?

Madhi:  Some of these people told me that there were orders for the arrest of reformist leaders before the elections.

Rooz: One issue that was very surprising was the imposition of unprecedented violence against protesters and civil society activists after the election.  Many ask who is behind these events?  What is your opinion?

Madhi: Look, Mr. Mesbah Yazdi has played the biggest role in Mr. Ahmadinejad’s growth as a way for his own growth.  In order to be successful they had to deal with the reform movement once and for all, and for that purpose they even took up arms against someone like Mir-Hossein Mousavi, who was a priceless resource for saving the regime.  They could not tolerate even Mousavi.

Rooz: How so?

Madhi: A plan was prepared before the election not to allow reformists to win under any circumstances.  It was a strong plan.

Rooz:  Is the supreme leader aware of these issues?

Madhi: In my opinion the supreme leader was played with in this incident.

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