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Join the Green Cedars

Posted by Zand-Bon on Oct 18th, 2010 and filed under News, PLANET IRAN NEWS FOCUS, Photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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Mission Statement : The Green and Cedar Revolutions Reject Ahmedinijad & Hezbollah

October 17, 2010


The World Council for the Cedars Revolution (WCCR) and the International Council for the Green Movement (ICGM) of Iran have issued the following joint statement: The WCCR and the ICGW, representing the legitimate aspirations of millions of Lebanese and Iranians around the world denounce vigorously the visit by Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmedinijad to Lebanon last week. The Two Democratic Revolutions in Iran and Lebanon declare their rejection of the Khomeinist regime attempts to export fascism and oppression to another Middle Eastern country, victim of Hezbollah terrorism and adventurism. The Iranian regime has been funding the formation and the expansion of a Terror organization named Hezbollah with Petrodollars taken away from the basic needs of the Iranian people and spent on a network of militias abusing the Lebanese people. We, free Iranians and Lebanese around the world do not consider Ahmedinijad who came to Lebanon’s doorstep, neither a man of peace nor prosperity for Iran which is his own country. So how can he bring peace and prosperity to Lebanon, the country whose Cedar Movement fought so bravely for it’s liberation from the occupation of Syria.

Ahmadinejad stole the Iranian people’s votes in 2009 and has tried, however unsuccessfully to quash the Green Movement of the people of Iran. Through his proxies in Lebanon he is trying to bribe and steal the trust of the Lebanese people and quash the heart of the Cedar Revolution.

His intention is not to help Lebanon, just as his intention is not to serve Iran. His firebrand declarations against other Arab nations will ultimately bring nothing more than the same imprisonment and torture experienced by innocent Iranians, to Lebanon.

His calls for regional war, aim at using Lebanon as a frontline trench and the Lebanese people as his soldiers to fuel a deadly conflict and destroy the chances for Peace.

The money that Iran’s regime has given to buy the loyalty of the Hezbollah’s membership in Bint Jbeil, in order to welcome Ahmedinijad has left Iranians who are the rightful owners of that money, hungry and destitute.The Lebanese people reject Ahmedinijad and his regime and embrace the Iranian People; the Iranian people reject Hezbollah’s terrorists and embrace the Lebanese People We the representatives and supporters of the Two Revolutions around the world call on the Lebanese and Iranian peoples and their friends around the world to continue the struggle for freedom in Iran and Lebanon until the region is liberated from the oppression of these terror forces.

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