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Planet Iran Exclusive: Iranian regime’s sanctioned brothels at Imam Reza’s shrine in Mash’had

Posted by Zand-Bon on Jul 23rd, 2010 and filed under News, PLANET IRAN NEWS FOCUS, Photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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Gold dome of Imam Reza's shrine, Mash'had

July 18, 2010

The following is a direct translation of the below Persian document:

Bismellah al rahman a rahim

Temporary Marriage (Marriage is among the traditions of the Prophet Mohammad)

In order to elevate the spiritual atmosphere, create proper psychological conditions and tranquility of mind, the Province of the Quds’eh-Razavi of Khorassan has created centers for temporary marriage (just next door to the shrine) for those brothers who are on pilgrimage to the shrine of  our eighth Imam, Imam Reza, and who are far away from their spouses.

To that end, we call on all our sisters who are virgins, who are between the ages of 12 and 35 to cooperate with us. Each of our sisters who signs up will be bound by a two year contract with the province of the Quds’eh-Razavi of Khorassan and will be required to spend at least 25 days of each month temporarily married to those brothers who are on pilgrimage. The period of the contract will be considered as a part of the employment experience of the applicant. The period of each temporary marriage can be anywhere between 5 hours to 10 days. The prices are as follows:

  • 5 hour temporary marriage – 50,000 Tomans ($50 US)
  • One day temporary marriage – 75,000 Tomans ($75 US)
  • Two day temporary marriage – 100,000 Tomans ($100 US)
  • Three day temporary marriage – 150,000 Tomans ($150 US)
  • Between 4 and 10 day temporary marriage – 300,000 Tomans ($300 US)

Our sisters who are virgins will receive a bonus of 100,000 Tomans ($100 US) for the removal of their hymen .

After the expiration of the two year contract, should our sisters still be under 35 years of age and should they be so inclined, they can be added to the waiting list of those who are seeking long-term temporary marriage. The employed sisters are obligated to donate 5% of their earnings to the Shrine of Imam Reza. We ask that all the sisters who are interested in applying, to furnish two full-length photographs (fully hijabed and properly veiled), their academic diplomas, proof of their virginity and a certificate of good physical and psychological health which they can obtain through the health and human services of the township of their residence. Please forward all compiled material and send to the below address by the 31st of the month of Ordibehesht, 1389 (May 21st, 2010).

Attention: For sisters who are below 14 years of age, a written consent from their fathers or male guardian is required.

Address: Mash’had, Shrine of Imam Reza, Shaheed Navab-Safavi, Kossar passage, Bureau of Temporary Marriages

or call Haji Mahmood Momtaz : 98/511/222-5790

For further information, please refer to the .

10 Responses for “Planet Iran Exclusive: Iranian regime’s sanctioned brothels at Imam Reza’s shrine in Mash’had”

  1. says:

    [...] Khamenei's Regime Sanctioned Brothels at Imam Reza's Shrine (MUST READ) Planet Iran Exclusive: Iranian regime’s sanctioned brothels at Imam Reza’s shrine in Mas… [...]

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  4. says:

    [...] Haji Mahmood Momtaz has the answer for you! Think of it…for mere pennies on the Tomans, you too can have the female of your choice for a [...]

  5. says:

    Iranian regime’s sanctioned brothels at Imam Reza’s shrine in Mash’had…


  6. ken noya says:

    Totally unbelievable!!!…..this is utter hypocrisy…..this bastards need to be dealt with….what is the world turning to?

  7. says:

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nokteh Emroz, lissnup, M.A. Scurlock, Azadi, Azadi and others. Azadi said: Planet Iran Exclusive: Iranian regime’s sanctioned brothels at Imam Reza’s shrine in Mash’had #iranelection [...]

  8. [...] Planet Iran’s report on temporary marriages (Seeqeh) in Iran, was met with many and varied reactions, some people who did not find it so strange and others who refused to believe it. In today’s Iran however, truth is often stranger than fiction. [...]

  9. says:

    [...] to a document obtained by Planet-Iran.com, the mullahs are doing it not for the money (what’s a 5% pimp cut [...]

  10. [...] also skips over the Shiite practice of  Seegheh or temporary marriage (many in Iran and abroad would term it a legalized form of prostitution) but which is regarded as adultery if the woman is already married. Men may contract such [...]

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